
大阪地検特捜部の捜査資料改ざん・隠蔽事件で判決 3 [JapanVoiceJournal]





 取材に対する朝日広告の説明によると、08年10月初め、それまでに取引があったスポーツ関連品販売会社(大阪市)のDM発送にあたり、制度の対象となる定期刊行物の発行団体を紹介。その後、封筒や広告の印刷業務を受注して納品した。この取引で朝日広告は370万円を売り上げ、20万円の利益があったという。(2009年1月9日 朝日新聞)


 大阪市の会社は当初、印刷・通販会社「ウイルコ」(石川県白山市)に依頼する予定だったが、朝日新聞が制度の悪用問題を報道したことでウイルコから断られたため、朝日広告社に紹介を依頼したという。(2009年1月9日 読売新聞)


To begin with, incident investigation document concealment, alteration of the Osaka District Public Prosecutors Office has not Supuku Asahi Shimbun. Why not?

Which is one of Japan's leading media group Speaking of Asahi Shimbun. There is an advertising agency that Asahikokokusha to one of that group. Are also booked postal discount scandal that takes place in this company.

Here is an excerpt from the press about this incident of Yomiuri Shimbun and the Asahi Shimbun

Shipping costs have been discounted substantially for the organizations of persons with disabilities is institutions "low-fee third-class mail" in the issue has been exploited in advertising mail (DM) for the direct mail business customers, Asahikokokusha (Tokyo that had received an order for ten thousand business through print advertising DM17) in October 2008, using this system was found. The company is considering the disposal of the employees involved.

According to the description of the Asahi Advertising for coverage, upon sending DM (Osaka city) sales company related products sport the beginning of October 2008, there was a deal before it introduces the issuing organization of the periodicals for which system. Was then delivered by being able to accept a business envelope printing and advertising. Asahi Advertising sales of ¥ 3.7 million in this transaction, that there was a profit of ¥ 20 million. (Asahi Shimbun, January 09, 2009)

According to the company, in early October last year, introduce Bunkyo welfare organization received a request from the company selling sporting goods to which trading in Osaka City, are using the discount system. Then, it was awarded for $ 3.7 million advertising and envelope printing company to use DM from the city of Osaka.

Osaka company initially, "Uiruko" printing and mail-order company had planned to ask the (Hakusan, Ishikawa Prefecture), because it was refused by the Asahi Shimbun from Uiruko reported that the abuse of the system problems, to Asahikokokusha that was asked to introduce. (Yomiuri Shimbun, January 09, 2009)

What was involved in this incident is how the Asahi group. It is necessary to verify that as well.
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