ついにその時がくるのか? [BBNews]


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パリ・モーターショーが開幕 [BBNews]


September 27, public coverage of the Paris Motor Show began at Porte de Versailles in Paris, France. Open to the general public until October 14, from 29 September.(UK)

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美人ですね。 若いころのモナリザ。 [BBNews]

タリア・ルネサンス期の芸術家レオナルド・ダビンチ(Leonardo da Vinci)が描いた世界で最も有名な絵画「モナリザ(Mona Lisa)」──その若かりし姿を描いたとされる肖像画「アイルワースのモナリザ(Isleworth Mona Lisa)」について、スイス・チューリッヒ(Zurich)のモナリザ財団(Mona Lisa Foundation)は27日、ダビンチの作品であるとの鑑定結果を発表した。

About the "Isleworth Mona Lisa" portrait that is "Mona Lisa" most famous painting in the world, Leonardo da Vinci artist during Talia Renaissance drew ─ ─ and drew a figure younger, the Foundation Mona Lisa of Zurich, Switzerland 9 may 27, we announced the results of the appraisal to be the work of Leonardo da Vinci.

パリモーターショー開幕 [BBNews]


September 27, public coverage of the Paris Motor Show began at Porte de Versailles in Paris, France. Open to the general public until October 14, from 29 September.(UK)

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KARAも真っ青?! [BBNews]


September 24, from the TV show contestants compete for the "Ass" representatives of the 27 states and the Federal District throughout Brazil "Miss Brazil Boom Boom 2012" in the outskirts of Sao Paulo, Brazil Osasuko I made ​​a recording of.(UK)

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編集長も真っ青か? [BBNews]



September 22, more than 200 people swam in the nude according to the sunrise at Druridge Bay in Northumberland England UK.
Had been aiming for a world record, I did not reach it.

I saw this, editor-in-chief of "Closer" French celebrity magazine would you feel?(UK)

編集長も災難です。 [BBNews]


24, announced that it had received the death threats is the magazine's editor-in-chief Laurens-Pio "(Closer) Closer" French celebrity magazine was published a photo of Princess Catherine British sunbathe topless.(UK)

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マッドマン 5年連続ならず! [BBNews]

エミー賞 ドラマ部門は「HOMELAND」に!


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再結成に関しては・・・? レッド・ツェッペリンのメンバーが会見 [BBNews]

英国を代表するロックバンド、レッド・ツェッペリンのメンバー3人は、2007年のライブコンサートの様子を収録したDVD『祭典の日(奇跡のライヴ、Celebration Day)』の発表会見を21日、ロンドンで行った。

September 21, rock band, which represents the United Kingdom, three members of Led Zeppelin, the "(live on miracle, Celebration Day) day of the festival," London a press announcement of DVD was recorded appearance of a live concert in 2007 I went by.(UK)

少し前の記事です。ヴィクトリアズ・シークレットのショーです。 [BBNews]


November 19, fashion show of lingerie brand "Victoria's Secret" was held in New York.(UK)

当然の結果でしょうが・・・。 [BBNews]


September 21, the Election Commission of Bosnia and Herzegovina was disqualified candidate's candidacy adult video posted on his website as part of the campaign in the mayoral election.(UK)

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暗黒エネルギーの謎に迫る、ダークエネルギーカメラが初撮影 [BBNews]

チリの山頂に建設された「ダークエネルギーカメラ」が12日、初めて撮影を行った。数か国の研究機関による共同プロジェクト「ダークエネルギー・サーベイ・コラボレーション(Dark Energy Survey Collaboration)」が発表した。カメラの計画と建設には8年間がかかった。

September 12, was built on the summit of Chile "dark energy" camera for the first time took a photograph. Project "Dark Energy Survey Collaboration" joint research institute of the number of countries have announced. It took eight years in planning and construction of the camera.(UK)

アイフォーン5 発売 [BBNews]

米アップルの最新型スマートフォン(多機能携帯電話)「iPhone 5(アイフォーン5)」が21日、日本でも発売開始された。

Largest events of September 21. "IPhone 5 (iPhone 5)" (feature phones) has been launched in Japan, the U.S. Apple's latest smartphone.(UK)


あの団体 パリに進出 [BBNews]


September 18, in Paris, "FEMEN" women rights organization FEMEN Ukraine has opened the center.(UK)

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キャサリン妃 まず1勝 [BBNews]

フランス・パリ郊外ナンテールの裁判所は18日、ウィリアム英王子の妻、キャサリン妃(Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge)のトップレス写真を掲載した仏芸能誌クローザーに対し、写真掲載の差し止め命令を出した。

September 18, for the entertainment of the French magazine Closer was published wife of British Prince William, the topless photo of Princess Catherine, Paris suburb of Nanterre court issued an injunction published photos.(UK)

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